Associação Portuguesa dos Engenheiros de Frio Industrial e Ar Condicionado


  • Início
  • Novos Membros Beneméritos

Novos Membros Beneméritos

A EFRIARC dá as boas-vindas a mais dois Membros Beneméritos: CONSULFRIO e NOVA FRIGO.

CONSULFRIO: A empresa Consulfrio faz engenharia de Frio Industrial desde 1996, realizando projetos e fiscalizando obras.
Nos últimos anos também tem realizado e acompanhado projetos de AVAC.
Realiza trabalhos para diversos países, tais como Angola, Colômbia, Marrocos, Polónia, Portugal e Eslováquia.

NOVA FRIGO: Our Mission:
-Maintaining our grow, by following the new «rules». This is the reason why Novafrigo is dedicating the R&D structure for the developing of green refrigerants systems,

-In 2019 the R290 chillers has been introduced. The R290 refrigerant has a GWP of 3 and it is considered a natural gas.
-The following year, we introduced the R290 heat pumps.
-The 2020 was also the year on which Novafrigo introduced the R744 (CO2) as a refrigerant. The R744 is used for chillers and direct expantion units.
-In 2021 Novafrigo started to produce units with NH3 refrigerant.

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